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This diary is the property of Trudy 'True' Desmond Melinko. If you're reading this, you have approximately 24 hours to leave the country before I find you and use you for my next biology experiment. You shouldn't be here.


10:48pm 05-24-2023
True Melinko

Dear Diary,

It has been a while, hasn't it? I know it has.

I've been away for a while as I was busy running tests and exams on myself to figure out why I reacted the the way I did to a simple hug from Dink. In conclusion I found nothing wrong with me nor my body. I ran all the physical exams I could yet still found nothing of suspicion. I believe that it could've been a one time reaction from my body as a defence mechanism as I was at the time focused on my game and unaware of my surroundings.

In other news, me and my father went out today and drove out to his studio in Houston, Texas so that I could model in his newest collection for some pages in a magazine. On the way there we visited one of his friends and the most loyal customers, Mr S. I know him very well as I've met him many times before when I was younger. The man we visited is a tall man with incredibly white hair. He's always wearing a hat with pointed sunglasses and has a peculiar taste for swords and puppetry. He's an odd man but he's overall kind to me and my father. He was the one that gifted me Snuffy, my beloved puppet, when I was just a 3 year old.
The 2 of them do a lot of deals with each other where my father sells Mr. S materials for his arts and in return he pays him in money and every few months they go out to get drinks together.
He's also taking care of his younger brother as his parent. I can never remember the name of the boy but I just know it's something beginning with 'D' - It's at the very end of my tongue. He's an... Odd child. He always wears the same glasses as his caretaker and overall seems like a smaller, compressed version of Mr. S.

After a while of discussion we left and returned our journey to the studio. There, I got into my father's creations and did my best not to throw up over the fact that I hated the outfits so much. I think I have some pictures of me in the outfits somewhere on my camera so I might upload them a bit later. After a few outfits it finally came time to wear the worst of the worst - The Orgasmic Collection.
To my surprise, the collection wasn't actually all horrible. I modelled most of the dresses as my tall and skinny physique allowed me to present the dresses a whole without them brushing the ground. I only modelled 2 of the swimsuits from the entire collection as the lady that was going to wear them had to call off sick.
I was fine with that, the swimsuits where disgusting as usual in design (my father lost his mind to polka dots and green flowers) but thankfully not that disgusting. Those outfits were left out for the older women.

Overall I spent the whole day at the studio with my father taking and directing the photography. At the end of the day, when we were done with the photography, my dad did something unexpected; He asked me if I wanted to go out for ice cream with him tonight. This came to me with an utter shock. My father never asks if I want something, he's always either quiet or mumbling something about himself under his breath. I reluctantly agreed and to my surprise, I had fun? I'm still in awe about that in particular. We didn't talk much about anything but mainly sat in silence yet somehow that brought me joy.
We had a very long drive home through the roads of America and back into the British seas. It was nice to get out of the country once in a while and it was nice seeing some old family friends. However, it was especially nice to spend time with my father.

Out of curiosity I asked my father why one of the models was off sick today and his mood immediately dropped again. It was almost like I asked him about some serious past trauma and then bullied him over it. He told me it was something to do with her child and that she needed to go to the hospital with it.
The rest of the car ride was silent. Not even a peep. I had an attempt at speaking to him again but it's almost like he was hypnotized by the road.

At last we came home after many days of being away. It's good to finally be home. Once we came back home my father came back to his usual senses and returned to his office and engulfed himself with work once more. I assume hospitals are a touchy subject for him.

I can't wait to see Dinky again. I missed him.

12:25am 05-10-2023
True Melinko

Dear Diary,

Today was a peaceful day for me for the most part up until a certain moment.

Today I spent the entire day with Dinky, doing what we normally do when we hang out with each other.
I woke up early and began writing out the plan for all the different activities me and Dink could do today so that we wouldn't get bored at any given moment. The list got lengthy so I had to rethink it once again and cut down on some activities such as teaching Dink how to care for vintage clown dolls and watching the entire Human Centipede franchise on DVD including the special directors cut. I did try to keep as many activities I thought Dinky would enjoy as I could.
Once the list was over I began getting dressed. I did have some troubles trying to figure out what I should wear today as I finally agreed for my father to use me as a model in his newest summer collection and that completed blinded my taste for fashion for a while. In the end I decided to wear my Adam Sandler T-shirt, striped sweater and a long skirt.
I wasn't hungry this morning as I usually am so I just headed downstairs to the front entrance and began getting ready to leave. As I was putting my shoes on, I encountered my father. We stared at each other for a minute, not even saying a word to one another. Eventually I got my shoes and said goodbye to my dad.
He didn't say anything and just left.
This is normal behaviour from him - to ignore me - however I never encounter him in the mornings so this was definitely awkward for the both of us.

I simply just left and headed out to Dinkies house.

The first thing we did when I entered his home was help him out with some chores so that he could get his work done and over with and we could finally head out to town. Once that was over, Dink bid goodbye to his parent with a hug and then we left.
I must say, when I saw Dinky hug his parent like that ever so casually, I could feel the hair rising on my skin and a pit growing in my stomach. I still don't quite understand why I felt the feeling I felt when I saw Dink get intimate with his parent, but it didn't sit right with me. Nonetheless, I shook that feeling off and we left to town quickly.

We had a great day together. For most of the time we were in the town centre, hopping from shop to shop and browsing dumb little items from the corner shops. We managed to do most of the items from the list I prepared and Dink seemed very happy throughout the time we were together. That makes me happy.
My favourite activity that we did was when we browsed the toy shop and I found the most adorable stuffed tarantula I have ever seen. I unfortunately didn't bring my money with me today so I couldn't buy it this time. I hope to come back there tomorrow with money and buy it.

At around 5 we left the town and headed back to my living quarters. When we arrived I wasn't surprised to find my father missing somewhere in the house, probably busy with work again.
Me and Dinky went into the kitchen, got ourselves some snacks and headed back up into my room. There, we turned on a movie and began playing some board games we had laid out from the last time we were both over at my place. I tried tempting Dink into playing Monopoly with me once again but he refused stating that "I'm already in debt with you for real money because of that game! I don't wanna owe you my liver!!!"
He had some fair points so instead we played some Mario Kart on our DS's. Dink played Yoshi and Bowser as he usually does while played as R.O.B and Princess Peach. As expected, I lost against Shrinky Dink almost every round except for rainbow road, as that was the track I personally chose. The game got intense very quickly and so my best friend demanded a rematch once the rainbow road was over.
I complied and we decided to fight on the rainbow once more. The tension got thicker and thicker as round by round I won each game. As we were playing the last game Dink did something... I wasn't prepared for....

I was about to win the match once again when suddenly Dink decided to drop his game and hugged me. I was in total surprise and froze up completely. As soon as Dink saw that, he grabbed his DS once again and began speeding through the game and won. He was laughing happily while I just sat there, frozen.
I don't know what happened but I felt the exact same feeling I felt when I saw Dink hug his parent, but stronger. I wasn't sure what to do.
Dink saw me and asked me if I was okay - I replied yes but I could tell he didn't believe me.
I shook it off and told him that I really was okay. He apologized if he did something wrong but I reassured him that it really is fine and that he should start getting ready to go home as it was getting late.

An hour passed and he eventually left.

It's been almost 2 hours since he left but I still can't stop thinking about that interaction and my responses to it. Why would I feel such emotions to something so ordinary every living being does? I am really not capable of processing something as simple as a hug from someone close to me?
This was the first time ever Dink has managed to get me into a hug - I usually just jump out of the way when he tries doing that but today I didn't.
I will need to run some tests on this later so that I could find the source of these strange emotions and reactions from me.

6:37pm 05-07-2023
True Melinko

Dear Diary,

I apologize for not updating this diary for such a long time. The reasoning for that is that the police seemed to have found Jack's remains, surprisingly alive and well and I was a key suspect in this investigation. He apparently crawled out of the forest behind my house and lived off of berries and twigs he found lying around. A young couple found him by the side of the road as he was having a life or death battle with a squirrel over a half-eaten pack of skittles.
For the time being of the case, I was prohibited from using any kind of electronics or internet at that just in case I tried running away or hiding some sort of evidence from the police.
I didn't quite understand why they would've thought that I would try running away or something of that matter or how the internet would've helped me with that, but oh well.

For a while the police really began digging into me and were very close to figuring out it was me - That was until one of the police men found out who my father is.
My father spoke to the police officer and made a deal with him where he would give him 'early' knowledge to his newest summer line, Orgasmic, in exchange for him ensuring that my case would be closed and solved with the 'real' perpetrator being found in Shigatse, Tibet China. The case went cold immediately and I was sent home free.

As for Jack he's currently undergoing recovery in a specialized hospital in the city of Tampere where he is being stitched and sown back together. I would've thought that he died after I cut out his liver and pumped him full of the strongest Polish vodka I could find but apparently not. I was seemingly wrong with the organ that I cut out and accidentally took out one of his kidneys. I'm very disappointed with myself for that sloppy work. On the other hand, this could also mean that Jack gets the message that I don't want to be his or anyone else's friend so he can finally leave me alone. Though I do have a feeling that he isn't doing this willingly himself - I suspect my father is behind this as he's become more and more insistent that I get more friends. I don't need more friends. Dink is my only friend and that's completely fine with me. He gets me. My dad doesn't.

On another note, I wasn't able to update my surveillance log for a long while so I will need to go through the recordings and see what I can make out of his activities from the past few weeks. I've been suspecting that he is talking to someone new online from my precious notes. They neem to get along well with each other as Dink is always giggling at his screen. I wonder what they could be talking about?

7:21pm 04-19-2023
True Melinko
19/04 update + surveillance log

Dear diary,

I have finally finished collecting my surveillance log data and will be putting it later in this post as per usual.
Ever since earlier today when Dink managed to break into my diary, I have noticed all my previous entries in my diary have either mysteriously gone missing or appear as error screens which I had to promptly delete. I'm not sure what that boy has done but it messed up all my logs and data I've been storing for the past 4 years or so. I'm quite irritated at this as I didn't create any back up logs or saves of all my writing because of my father at times snooping around my room and trying to find all my hidden stuff. I'll have a stern talk about invading my privacy with Dink later tomorrow as he didn't even show up at my home as I requested today. I think he still might have a fear that I will attempt using scissors on him in a less sanitary way than usual when I said I wanted to run some tests last time.
Nonetheless, I still want him to come over - It's lonely in this huge mansion I'm unfortunate enough to call a home and my father has been acting stranger and stranger for the past few days.

He's been hanging around me more than ,well, ever and it's starting to raise concerns, especially when he's been trying to make me baked goods. I think this might be his way of bribery as his newest summer fashion set called 'Orgasmic' will be releasing soon and he wants me to model for him again. The set itself has a weird name which just gives me another reason on why I don't want to do it.
On the other hand, his attempts at getting close to me could be genuine though I do doubt it. He never usually means anything genuinely and when he does most of the time he uses his geniality as an insult.

Other than that, my day has been normal. I have dealt with Jack and what I hopefully can call his remains in my lab. He was a quiet kid so I doubt anyone would even notice that he's gone.
I have also finally received my latest issue of 'Lenore, the Cute Little Dead Girl' which was very exciting. I've been waiting for this issue to arrive in my mail for weeks so finally being able to hold it in my hands and read was a pleasure. Pooty's Tradis joke was a very clever play on words in this issue and made me giggle quite a bit. I did feel sorry for Lenore though, that poor girl simply wanted her sammich but the evil hamster in the fridge laid her eggs in the bread Lenore wanted to use for her nummy sammich so she had to fight for it through discussion.
The idea of an evil arachnid-octopus-like hamster is very interesting to me. I will have to see if I can get one of the servants in my house to drive me to a pet store and the local fish market so that I can buy a hamster and an octopus. I have a supply of spiders of my own so there will be no need for the purchase of that.

That's all I really have to say actually, this day was uneventful as usual.


Surveillance Log 19/04

07:00 - Dink is asleep in his bed.

08:00 - Dink is still asleep in his bed.

09:00 - Dink is still asleep in his bed.

11:00 - I will need to invest into sticky labels and some sharpie pens. It appears that Dink mistook melatonin gummies for his regular, dino gummies once again.

11:56 - Dink is awake and is getting ready for the day. His choice of breakfast is poor. Instant noodles are not a morning meal, Dink.

12:23 - Dink has finally finished his morning routine and is now beginning his activities of choice for the day. He seems to start his day with searching the internet on Hooper, his laptop.

12:30 - Dink is still on Hooper browsing the web. It appears that he's looking into facts about reptiles. I will probably buy him a book of similar nature for his birthday.

12:35 - Hooper is beginning to act up. That laptop should not be working from how many times Dink spilled something on it or dropped it.

12:40 - Hooper set on fire.

13:21 - The fire department took care of the flames and scolded Dink for owning illegal explosives. I think the explosive that was mentioned was actually Hooper.

13:40 - Dink is now LARPing in his bedroom. He's once again playing dragons and princesses.

14:00 - Still LARPing though it does appear that a villain has entered the plot. I'm curious about what this evil bunny overlord can do.

14:05 - The princess has been kidnapped by the evil bunny overlord and is now in his 'Evil castle of Doom'. I will need to buy Dink a book with better castle name ideas alongside the amphibian facts book. It's up to Dink to save the princess now.

14:27 - Dink has set out on a journey through the kingdom of reptiles and has acquired a team to help him fight the evil. They are now on their way to the castle.

16:58 - Dink's journey seems to be a troubling one as it turns out one of his loyal companions was actually one of the evil bunny overlord's servants that was there on a mission to stop Dink and the others in their tracks. I wonder how Dink will resolve this one?

17:33 - Dink has stopped LARPing and decided to have a snack now. His choice of snack for tonight is dino gummies.

17:35 - Dink ate the melatonin gummies again. He's out cold turkey. Now I won't find out how Dink will retrieve the gems of calamity back from the evil bunny overlord's servants hands so that he can go God-mode and save the princess until tomorrow. How sad.

17:40 - I finished surveillance for today.
12:25pm 04-19-2023
True Melinko
I am so glad that you have finally found Pepsi. He's been missing from my clown catalogue for the past few days so I'm relieved that he's with someone trustworthy like you. If he's still in your current home then please locate him again and put him in a confined space such as a closet or a box so that he cannot run any further from me. I also recommend you call an exorcist just incase the Turkish maid trapped within him decided to split off the vessel and rummage chaos through your home.

By the way, how did you find my diary, Dink? You know I value my privacy and don't enjoy people snooping around in my private belongings. Actually, I'm quite impressed that you have found it. Maybe there is a mushy life form on that skull of yours after all? I will need you to come over later today so that I can run some tests. I promise you, there will be no scissors involved this time unlike the last.

Thank you Dinky <3

Ps. Bring Pepsi with you and whatever you do DO NOT UNZIP THE ZIPPER ON HIS BACK.
11:40am 04-19-2023
True Melinko

Dear diary,

Today was a normal day as per usual. I finally managed to pre-order the latest recommended game from the 'GameBro' magazine. Honestly I'm not even sure why, Dink begged me to get it because it's a multiplayer game and to quote "I really really really wanna play with you! You'll love it!". I'm not quite sure about the 'love it' part as I've never even played the game before but the trailer for the game does look quite interesting if I do say so myself. I'm quite curious about the aspect of 'EctoBiology' in this game. I'm a fan of anything to do with biology and creating life or as some may say less than legal activities involving resurrection and sesveral haunted dolls. I shall post my surveillance log on Shrinky Dink - Dink for those who are uncultured - later today once I'm finished with my neighbour, Jack, in my lab.

11:35am 04-19-2023
Truds, this better be a joke, cause you know i can't leave the country. Also can you come round to pickup your clown doll, you left it here last time. I think it moves in the night. I don't like it.